Exhibition “The Price of the Silence of the World”
Today, the exhibition “The Price of the Silence of the World” was opened at the Stained Glass Gallery of the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania – Seimas which is dedicated to the memory of the children killed in Ukraine.
The Lithuanian Pediatric Society, Vilnius Pediatric Society, and the IPOKRaTES Lithuania fund, together with the Ukrainian NGO Memorial, organized the exhibition in Lithuania which feature the life stories and photos of Ukrainian children who lost their lives during the war from 2022 to 2024. The aim of the exhibition is to draw attention to the most vulnerable group in society during war – children.
One of the exhibition’s sponsors is the law firm LEADELL Balčiūnas and Grajauskas.
The exhibition will be held until October 10.
After the exhibition ends, it will be transferred to the parliaments of other Baltic states.
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